Rarest among the clips Lulu-vision has been killing it with lately: the Bo Jackson featurette that aired during the broadcast of the 1985 Heisman Trophy ceremony. It probably comes across even rarer because, judging by the voice over, the producers thought it was supposed to be a 1970s educational film (so yeah, it’s too bad they got the name of the school wrong right out of the block).
Kind of awesome seeing Young Bo and Not Old Pat walking together down the concourse. Sometimes the stark cultural differences in their eras makes it easy to forget their trophies were only separated by 14 years.
Related: Normal College Student Bo Jackson’s 1990 commercial for Auburn.
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from The War Eagle Reader https://www.thewareaglereader.com/2022/01/rare-video-profiling-bo-jackson-during-1985-heisman-trophy-ceremony/
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