Punt, Bama, Punt’s gag gift legacy

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Punt, Bama, Punt’s gag gift legacy

Auburn players stuffed the punts. Auburn fans stuffed the stockings. And then some.

Bumper stickers (and their replicas). Joke books. 45 records. Pin back buttons. Phil Neel posters. Novelty elephant cinches.

The merchandising potential from Punt, Bama, Punt was simply unprecedented for a single game.

The occasion was so momentous tchotchke traders catering to Bama fans even tried taking advantage.

Want to cheer up your Uncle Updy

ke? Give him that ceramic thing that (like Bama’s yearbook) blames the loss on Santa Claus.

Want to make him hate you forever and poison your trees? Give him the No. 1716 Elephant Cinch (“Engineered by Auburn University Cow College Department, Successfully Tested At Birmingham’s Legion Field”) or Capsize Creations’ Heard Any Good Auburn Jokes Lately?

Not that joke books catering to both sides of the Iron Bowl were anything new, but the ’72 game got a digest of derision all its own.

“It took me two hours just to get out of the stadium,” one Bama fan said to the other. “Auburn even blocked the gates.”

Take a look:

from The War Eagle Reader

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