VIDEO: Auburn Phi Mus prepare a Burn the Bulldogs float before the 1975 Georgia game

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

VIDEO: Auburn Phi Mus prepare a Burn the Bulldogs float before the 1975 Georgia game

Auburn was doing a lot of PSA type stuff in the 70s. The film side of University Relations was really coming into its own. They needed footage. They need B-roll. So maybe that’s what this four whole minutes is.

“… and at Auburn University, comely coeds concentrate on campus capers… “

But, you know, why it exists doesn’t matter, not at this point. What matters is that somewhere out there in Auburn land, there are are five or six or seven women — former Phi Mu’s — whose day is absolutely waiting to be made. Find them. Make their day.

Oh, here’s what the burning looked like a few years earlier. So good…

from The War Eagle Reader

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